There are a handful of professions serving mission-critical functions wherein personal comfort plays a vital role in productivity. From command centers to 911 call centers, having control over heating and air conditioning, as well as desk-lift functions, can make a difference when it matters most. In addition to providing control over environmental factors, Air Innovations has also prioritized making the functionality of the desktop management system as efficient and customizable as possible.

What is a Desktop Management System?

One person might feel most energized at a standing desk in a brisk 65℉ room. Another professional sharing the same office might focus best sitting down in a warmer space. Ensuring comfort is necessary when attention to detail and quick decision making is critical to the job function. Air Innovations’ MyZone desktop management control system delivers this level of custom comfort.

Climate Control

At the heart of a MyZone system is the ability to control the temperature around a desk. Users can adjust the speed of the cooling fan and regulate the output of the forced air heating. In addition, our MyZone units enable users to adjust the louvers to direct air to their liking.

Moreover, the air circulating around the desk first passes through a filter that can trap airborne contaminants such as dust mites, carpet fibers, and mold spores.


Air Innovations’ MyZone systems were designed with efficiency in mind. The goal is to provide professionals with everything they might need—at their fingertips—to maximize productivity.

Controlling the functions of a unit, including climate, lighting, and integrated desk-leg lift, which starts with a color touch screen. The consoles include a USB charger, light, and auxiliary power source to plug in a mobile phone charger or radio reducing the need to rummage around for cords and outlets. The digital control console is compatible with any type of office desk.

Users may also take advantage of the motion sensor that is triggered after 10 minutes of no activity, which turns off any lights and deactivates the fan and heat. Once the person returns, the system activates and returns the fan, heater and task light to the last setting.

The controls box is made of a commercial-grade powder-coated, lightweight aluminum, taking up a small footprint on any office desks. One added benefit is that all of these accessories require the lowest power usage of any desktop management system on the market.


Efficiency is one thing; being able to customize one’s office environment is what takes personal comfort and productivity to a new level. With our solutions, customization begins at installation.

The controller is not fixed to the console so the user is able to place it either above or below the desk. The lighting is dimmable to provide professionals with options depending upon the time of day or their particular needs at any given moment. The desk-leg lifts can be adjusted to several sitting or standing levels to accommodate user preferences and heights.

The ability to customize the main screen with a personal picture, eliminate or add apps, a memory function for multiple users, field upgradable software, a white noise machine and auxiliary input jack are additional features that round out the Air Innovations MyZone systems.